what is ‘Free Public Wi-Fi,’ and why doesn’t it ever work?
“Free Public Wi-Fi” network you see in various public places is the result ( of
an old Windows XP bug that causes the OS to set up an ad hoc data-sharing
network for connected PCs if it can’t connect to a trusted wireless network
automatically. Windows names the ad hoc setup after its previous Wi-Fi network
Long ago, after failing to connect to a trusted network named “Free
Public Wi-Fi,” a Windows PC created just such an ad hoc entity. Drawn by theword “Free,"
local laptop users hoping to get online connected to the impotent ad hoc
network, and thus began broadcasting (and perpetuating) it themselves.
Connecting to this type of
device-to-device ad hoc network rarely poses any immediate danger, but it won’t get you onto the Web, either. And malicious users could
spy on the connection and steal valuable information from you.